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How To Create and Use a Remote git Repository

git is a version-control system, that is very powerful, and pretty easy to use. There are many advanced tutorials on it's use, here are a simple bunch of commands that I commonly use.

  • on your remote server, create a space for the remote repository

    Use this set of commands if you just have 1 user planned to access the repository:

    mkdir /home/roq/lang/sql/myapp.git && cd /home/roq/lang/sql/myapp.git
    git --bare init

    Use this set of commands if you plan to have multiple users access the repository (somegroup would be the name of the group that they all share):

    mkdir /home/roq/lang/sql/myapp.git && cd /home/roq/lang/sql/myapp.git
    git --bare init --shared=group
    sudo chgrp -R somegroup .

  • copy empty remote repository locally

    Note that :2094 can be dropped if you use the standard ssh port

    git clone ssh://roq@yourdomain.org:2094/home/roq/lang/sql/myapp.git

  • then copy your files into this newly created directory

  • add location of remote repository

    Note that :2094 can be dropped if you use the standard ssh port

    git remote add origin ssh://roq@yourdomain.org:2094/home/roq/lang/sql/myapp.git

  • add and commit files

    git add .
    git commit -m "My first repository"

  • push local repository onto your remote repository

    git push origin master

  • to make changes to your files, first

    git checkout master

    ...then make your changes

  • once you're done, push your changes back to the remote repository

    git commit -a -m "Next release"

  • to collect changes made by others from the remote repository

    git pull origin master

  • to remove a file from the git repository (actually, it makes git forget about the file) - note that this will actually delete the physical file if it's still there

    git rm OLDFILE

  • for someone else to create a copy of your repository

    git clone ssh://roq@yourdomain.org:2094/home/roq/lang/sql/myapp.git

  • to get the latest from the remote repository

    git pull origin master

  • to exclude files or directories

    edit the .git/info/exlude file, for example, here I wanted to exclude all subdirectories that start with 2009 and a few other files that I needed in that directory, but didn't want checked-in:


  • to overwrite all your local files with copies from your remote repository

    git fetch --all
    git reset --hard origin/master

  • to keep your "remote" repository on a USB key

    Note that you'd still have to create the directory on your USB key and run git --bare init from within that directory. Here I have a remote repository on a TrueCrypt volume that I always mount as M: on Windows:

    git remote add origin /m/git_repository/myapp.git

    On Linux, I mount the same TrueCrypt volume as /media/truecrypt1:

    git remote add origin /media/truecrypt1/git_repository/myapp.git

  • to migrate a git repository

    On new server

    rsync -a -v -e ssh user@old.server.com:path/to/repository.git .

    On client (you can do this or just edit the config manually)

    git remote rm origin
    git remote add origin user@new.server.com:path/to/repository.git

  • A good git branching model

    There is a lot of documentation on branching on the main git site, but I really like this overview;

  • Merging to master

    git checkout release
    git pull origin release
    git checkout master
    git pull origin master
    git merge release
    git tag -a -m "tagged after merge" 20180102
    git push origin master
    git push --tags origin master

  • Master merge with overwrite

    if all else fails with a release to master merge, and you just want to $@#$@# overwrite it as per this note

    git branch -m master old-master
    git branch -m release master
    git push -f origin master

    More Questions?

    What else can git do? : Here are some more pages.

    Git for Windows : An Illustrated Guide to Git on Windows

    A Guide for Intermediate Git users : http://andyjeffries.co.uk/articles/25-tips-for-intermediate-git-users

    Using Git with a central repository : http://toroid.org/ams/git-central-repo-howto

    Something cool : Git Bundle

  • © Roqet :: 2022-03-01 16:07:35